Kapel Global

Microsoft Partner for Dynamics

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CRM Implementation Services

Your customer relationship management (CRM) system should enable you to respond quickly to customer needs and market changes. You want to make smart and informed decisions while providing great service. We understand the importance of the contact database that you’ve built up over the years, and the timeliness of having the implementation project up and running as soon as possible.

With Dynamics 365, CRM implementations ensure:

Efficient, optimal use of technology with proven best practices.
A professionally installed, configured, and fine-tuned solution.
A single partner accountable for all aspects of your technology, implementation, and support.


As a certified Microsoft Dynamics 365 consultancy, Kapel Consulting provides a complete range of Microsoft Dynamics 365 services to address all of your ERP and CRM implementation and support needs. sa.global services include

Long-Term Support

Leverage our Kapel support footprint for a comprehensive set of both reactive and proactive technical support services.



escalation specialists get your Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementation turned around with project rescue services and support.



A complete set of Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementation services, including provisioning, configuration, training, testing, and rollout support services.


Leverage our consultant’s deep industry expertise around business process consulting, best practices, and critical change management initiatives.



A full range of development services, including customizations, integrations, and BI/report development. We even help organizations design and build ISV solutions for Microsoft Dynamics 365.



Stay up to date on the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 with upgrade planning and execution services.

ERP Upgrades & Migrations to the Cloud

Upgrade Dynamics AX 2009 to Dynamics 365
Upgrade Dynamics AX 2012 to Dynamics 365
Upgrade Dynamics AX 2012 RTM or R2 to AX 2012 R3
Upgrade Legacy AX 3.0 / 4.0 to Dynamics 365

CRM Upgrades & Migrations to the Cloud

Upgrade Dynamics 4.0 on-premise to Dynamics 365 online or on-premise
Upgrade Dynamics CRM 2011 on-premise to Dynamics 365 online
Upgrade Dynamics CRM 2013 on-premise to Dynamics 365 online
Upgrade Dynamics CRM 2015 on-premise to Dynamics 365 online
Upgrade Dynamics CRM 2016 on-premise/online to Dynamics 365 online

ERP Implementation Services

Whether your enterprise resource planning (ERP) project is as complex as a complete business system replacement, or as simple as a single functional capability to an existing application, our implementation method and services will enable you to achieve faster and better results. Our job at Arbela is not complete until solutions are fully implemented, including skills and knowledge transfer. You can grow at your own pace through the choice and flexibility of the cloud, on-premise, or hybrid deployments — depending on your business and security requirements.

Kapel Consulting is an implementation methodology based on agile principles and focused on predictable execution and customer education. The goal of our methodology is to spend more time on the future desired state and less on “what you do today.” Our guidelines revolve around minimizing customization and educating your super users in IT and each functional area of the system.


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